Here at Baldwin’s our largest range of flower remedies we hold are those of Dr Edward Bach and include the popular rescue remedy and remedy night drops. What is so interesting about the remedies is that they don’t treat the physical complaints directly but instead help by treating the negative emotional states that provoke or worsen the problem in the first place. At Baldwin’s we encourage our customers seeking out a remedy to try and think about their current emotional state and specific personality and character traits as a means to select the most appropriate remedies. The range of ailments that Bach flower remedies can help is broad and covers physical pain and illnesses to emotional problems and depression.

An alternative therapy to say the least, there are often debates raging about homeopathy and other forms of alternative therapies. There are many who say that alternative therapies merely induce positive effects by acting as a placebo and that the treatments themselves do nothing to alleviate any physical medical condition. Others however who have turned to homeopathy and other alternative therapies in the past have talked of tremendous benefits and outcomes and would always turn first to this as a form of treatment for an ailment before resorting to chemical medication.
It is likely that discussions and debates will continue in the future regarding alternative therapies. Let us know what you think about this subject. Have you ever undergone any alternative therapies and if so, what results did you see? Were they positive or negative and would you try out the same therapy again?