January is always a difficult month with the excitement of Christmas over and spring nowhere in sight! Here are a few ideas on how to lift the winter blues in quick and easy ways:
1. Play with a dog! This may seem like strange one, but just having fun with a dog for a few minutes a day has been shown in scientific studies to lift your spirits and act as an antidote for depression. You don’t need to rush out to buy a dog; borrow your neighbour's!
2. Sniff a lemon! Again, another strange suggestion, but the smell of citrus has a positive effect on moods according to some scientists.
3. Eat fish twice a week. Omega-3 is excellent at keeping depression at bay. Just 2 portions of mackerel or salmon a week is all you need. Flaxseed is also good and can be sprinkled on anything from ice-cream to omelettes.
4. Take a daily multi-vitamin. This will make sure the body is topped up with all the vitamins and minerals it needs. Vitamin B is particularly good for lifting the mood.
5. Get regular massages. Just 10 or 20 minutes of back massages a few times a week is enough to lift your mood dramatically. It is possibly due to a boost in serotonin levels.
6. Stay up all night. Don’t attempt this if you have to be at work the next day, but staying up all night allows the body to readjust its internal clock so you sleep better in the following days and weeks even.
7. Go for regular walks during the day. Exercise is one of the ultimate mood enhancers so get those trainers on and get out there!
8. Sleep in a different room. This is particularly for those who have trouble sleeping (often due to depression). Having a break from your normal sleeping routine can help you get more sleep.
If any of you have any other suggestions on quick and easy ways to boost your mood, send them in.