- Ginseng - This is a common herb that is said to aid healing and rejuvenation. It is particularly good at replenishing the body with fluids that have been lost and also aids the removal of toxins from the body. Ginseng tea is a common method of consuming this powerful herb.
- Reishi Mushrooms - These are considered to be powerful immune system boosters, that increase antioxidants in the body as well as increasing the vitality of white blood cells. These mushrooms are also said to have a calming influence on the body and are able to help fight insomnia.
- Lotus Seed - The Lotus Seed aids the function of the spleen and kidneys. It helps reduce diarrhea and also stimulate appetite.
- Licorice Root - Well known for its detoxification abilities, this root invigorates the body whilst simultaneously cooling it down.
- Ginko Biloba - This is one of the oldest Chinese herbs. It is said to have positive effects on the lungs and heart as well as able to fight coughs, asthma and a host of allergies. It is one of the most popular natural remedies taken.
- Ephedra - This herb fights asthma and stimulates blood pressure and heart function too. It also stimulates glands, tissue and muscle in the body as well as increasing the secretion of adrenalin.
- Astralagus - This is used to build up the immune system by increasing the function of the blood cells.
- Albizzia Flower and Bark - A herb that is used to combat emotional problems. It has calming properties that have a positive effect on the body and brain.
Monday, 28 June 2010
8 Best Chinese Herbs
Monday, 21 June 2010
Bach flower remedies for temper tantrums
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Why Choose Natural Soaps?
Friday, 28 May 2010
Uses of Beeswax
Thursday, 27 May 2010
5 Reasons to Make your own Soap
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Australian Bush Combination Drops
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Aromatherapy for Healthy Legs and Feet - A guide for home use
- Take the foot in your lap and rub a little essential oil into your palms. Place one hand on top of the foot, and one underneath and gently slide your hands off the foot coming forward towards the toes. Repeat this 4 or 5 times.
- Gently circle around the ankles with your thumbs. All these movements should be slow and soothing and not too hard as sometimes the ankles especially can be tender.
- Next rub over the top of the foot with your thumbs making circular movements. Move from the ankles towards the toes and repeat a few times.
- Rub each toe with similar circular movements and then rotate each toe both in a clockwise and anti-clockwise direction.
- Gently pull each toe between your finger and thumb and then rotate the entire foot both clockwise and anti-clockwise.
- One final exercise is to rub the foot within your hands to create friction. When the foot is warm it can be placed in a towel whilst you take the other foot and repeat the whole process.
Friday, 23 April 2010
Skin Creams
Sometimes it is nice to mix up your skin care routine a little bit to incorporate some new products and ideas. By doing this you can unearth products that you might not otherwise have discovered that are perfect for you and make your skin look great even without any makeup.
Baldwins have a lovely range of skin care products that many of our readers have absolutely loved, so I thought I’d write a little bit here about them here to tell more people about them! The range of pomegranate, bilberry and rose skincare products are a little piece of luxury for your skin. They smell wonderful, are non-greasy and include an essential oil blend that revitalises and rejuvenates skin.
Pomegranate is very good for the skin because research has shown that it can provide an extra layer of SPF protection against the sun. It helps repair skin cells and in this way acts as a very good anti-aging cream. Pomegranates are very rich in omega 5 which is a very important fatty acid for keeping the skin looking youthful and vibrant.
Bilberry is not a very common berry, but it is related to the blueberry and cranberry. Like most berries it is a very powerful antioxidant and it also has anti-inflammatory properties. Creams and lotions with extract of bilberry are particularly good for those with irritated skin or even psoriasis as it can help calm the discomfort and reduce inflammation.
Rose has long been used in face creams and products as it is excellent at supporting the skin’s natural balance of moisture and keeping it from drying out. Rose extract helps battle premature skin aging and leaves it feeling silky soft throughout the day.
As you can see, the 3 main ingredients of the Baldwin’s skin care product range are perfect for skin and provide a combination sure to keep your skin looking good. If you would like to try out this range of products you can order online so it couldn’t be easier.
I would love for one of our readers to tell us a little bit about the creams, toners and lotions within this range so send in your comments below.
Monday, 12 April 2010
The Yoga of Herbs
Monday, 5 April 2010
James Wong Returns to the BBC
Friday, 26 March 2010
Homemade cough syrup
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Homemade Cosmetics: Beeswax
Beeswax can be used in a variety of cosmetics, creams and other beauty products that you are making at home. It works wonderfully as a thickening agent and emulsifier and can be used in the creation of hand creams, lotions, moisturizers, lip balms, hair products and plenty more cosmetics besides. It has soothing and softening properties that when used on the skin can help it retain moisture. Historically beeswax has been used as an antiseptic and research shows it was used to help heal wounds in days gone by.
Here are some very simple recipes for making cosmetics at home:
Moisturing Vitamin E Cream
1 oz. beeswax
2 oz. water
10 drops Vitamin E oil
10 drops lavender essential oil
- Melt the oil and the wax then remove from heat, add water and stir thoroughly.
- Add Vitamin E oil, essential oil and stir continuously until cool.
- Once cool, poor into a cosmetic jar.
That is it. It is excellent for rough or particularly dry skin and provides excellent nourishment.
Coconut Butter Body Moisturizer
2 tablespoons beeswax2 teaspoons distilled water
4 oz. cocoa butter
4 tablespoons sweet almond
2 tablespoons coconut oil
- Melt the beeswax over a very low heat with the water.
- Gradually add the cocoa butter and stir well to blend thoroughly.
- Gradually blend in oils until mixed thoroughly and pour into a glass cosmetic jar.
1 cup sweet almond oil
1 cup water
10 drops essential oil (if desired, for fragrance)
- Heat the beeswax and sweet almond oil together until the wax melts.
- In another container, heat the water until warm. The mixtures must not get too hot - it should still be possible to touch them.
- Place the warm water in a food processor and whilst on high speed, slowly add the beeswax-oil mixture.
- When most of the oil has been added, the mixture should begin to thicken.
- At this point, add the essential oil. Continue to add oil and blend until the mixture is sufficiently thickened.
- Spoon the thick cream into cosmetic jars.
Monday, 22 March 2010
Natural Ways to Treat Psoriasis
Psoriasis can vary in its severity, but causes serious discomfort and problems for those who suffer from it. The main symptoms are patches of raised skin with silvery white “scales”. It is thought that stress, smoking or even excessive drinking can be triggers which lead to the inflammation and over production of skin.
Tackling it can be troublesome. Research into the condition has shown that although there are many triggers, its underlying cause stems from the immune system. Over the counter medicines can therefore provide short term relief, but as they are designed to treat the outward symptoms only they do not always keep the condition at bay for very long.
The best chance you have for freeing yourself from psoriasis altogether is to tackle it from the inside out. That means strengthening your immune system first, and then dealing with the external symptoms.
The first step to treating psoriasis is therefore to build up your immune system by taking the following vitamin and mineral supplements:
Evening Primrose Oil - Improves dry and flaky skin conditions
Flax Seed Oil - Improves the condition of the skin and nails and reduces the inflammation of skin cells.
Borage Oil - Reduces dryness and scaliness and itchiness.
Zinc - Vital for healthy skin, hair and nails and promotes good growth.
The next step is to treat the outward symptoms and try and reduce the discomfort and appearance of the condition. It is important to apply creams with the following ingredients for this purpose:
Aloe Vera - Hydrates and rejuvenates the skin. It is also a good healing cream that helps reduce pain.
Calendula - Helps blood circulation and the regeneration of skin. It will also help strengthen the skin cells.
Thirdly, bathe in Dead Sea salts at least once per week. The healing properties of the Dead Sea are well known. The salt concentration is ten times higher than normal ocean water and there are rare minerals present that have shown to reduce inflammation and heal skin tissues.
Next you should give your diet an overhaul. Foods that allow toxins or even cause toxins to build up should be avoided. Therefore no spicy foods, alcohol, seafood or red meat but instead a diet of fruit, vegetables and nuts with a moderate amount of fish, chicken and eggs.
Finally you should examine your stress levels. Stress is one of the most well known underlying causes of psoriasis and a host of other illnesses too. By reducing stress in your life you will likely see a dramatic improvement on your psoriasis condition. Get plenty of sleep and exercise and practice proper relaxation to help you rid yourself of stress.
If anyone has any further suggestions on how to tackle psoriasis in a natural way, send in your comments below.
Friday, 12 March 2010
Massage Oils
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
How to make Massage Oil
You can make massage oil or aromatherapy oil at home quite easily. All you need are the essential oils of your choosing and a carrier oil, or base oil to blend it with.
There are a few different type of carrier oil, and each one has its own unique qualities. The first step is to choose the one you want. Some common base oils include:
Avocado Oil: This is a good source of vitamins A,B and D and is a medium weight oil. Those who have very greasy skin may want to choose a lighter oil, similarly those with very dry skin might want something stronger. It is particularly good for wrinkles.
Sweet Almond Oil: This is a heavy oil that is suitable for those with very dry skin. It is a good choice if you are wanting to massage your feet which tend to be have very dry skin. It is very rich in vitamins A, B1, B2 and B6.
Grapeseed Oil: This is is a lightweight oil so good for treating quite greasy skin. Grapeseed oil is a a good source of a variety of vitamins and minerals. It is excellent for light massages and is water-dispersible too.
Jojoba Oil: This is actually a wax, not an oil but it is one of the best carrier oils when making massage oils at home. It is very stable and will last a long time. It is a good base to choose if you are dealing with blemished skin or acne.
Once you’ve selected the carrier oil, choose one or two essential oils of your choosing and mix them together using the following quantities:
6 teaspoons of carrier oil + 8 drops of essential oil.
Essential oils are concentrated extracts and not at all appropriate to rub straight on to the skin. This can be dangerous. That is why carrier or base oils are used to dilute them first. The base oil is also important as it stops the essential oil from evaporating too.
Have any of you got any more tips for base oils? Send in your ideas below.
Friday, 19 February 2010
Incense the word comes from the Latin word “incendere” which means to burn. It is used in reference to materials that release an aromatic smoke and fragrance when lit. Incense is often used in religious ceremonies, for medicine, aromatherapy and for general aesthetic reasons. Incense has been made into many different forms, shapes and sizes over the hundreds and thousands of years it has been in existence, but commonly today we think of incense as joss sticks or small coloured cones. It has been known to be in the forms of pastes, powders, liquids and oils however.
A wide variety of ingredients have been used to make incense historically speaking, but there has always been a preference for using locally sourced ingredients. Various different types of plant extracts are used in the preparation of incense including essential oils and resins and gums which form a dough like substance when mixed with water. Gums and resins make excellent fixers which is why they are used throughout the incense and perfume industry.
You can use many ingredients found in the garden when you are making incense such as herbs and spices, but using a gum is a good idea as it will hold the other ingredients together well in a dough like substance which makes the incense sticks or cones or other type of incense you are making, easier to prepare.
If any of you have any recipes or preparation techniques for making incense, please send them in to us here at Baldwins. We sell a range of essential oils and gums for making incense here at Baldwins so feel free to browse our site. If you have any questions about us or of course any of our products, don’t hesitate to contact a member of our team. We would be only too pleased to answer your questions and provide further information.
Monday, 1 February 2010
How to banish the winter blues

Thursday, 21 January 2010
What is Chinese Medicine?
Long term treatment has been known to cure patients of a range of symptoms that they never once associated with their main injury or complaint. It can also improve our body awareness and strengthen the immune system to aid a long and healthy life. The most commonly treated disorders by Chinese Medicine are anxiety, depression, arthritis, migraines, joint pain, asthma, colds and flu symptoms.
It has adapted well over the years so it is still as relevant today as it has always been. Research continues throughout the world into this ancient healing method and the tools involved.
Acupuncture is the most well known tool of Chinese Medicine. This method works by increasing circulation around the body and therefore stimulating the body’s healing process. During an acupuncture treatment endorphins are released which not only relaxes the body but it also regulates serotonin in the brain. Small needles are inserted into the patient’s skin in particular places according to the complaint or illness that needs treating. The needles are placed along the patient’s meridians (which are essentially pathways along which qi travels). By tapping into the energy in this way, the body can restore its balance and rid itself of the complaint for good.
Herbs and herbal remedies are a big part of Chinese Medicine. Herb formulations can be made from all sources including animal, mineral, fruit, seed and plant sources. Generally the herbal remedies can be taken in either a pill or tablet form, or as a tea. Here at Baldwin’s we have a range of products available and if you would like to know more about any of them, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Have any of you tried Chinese Medicine? Did it work and cure you of the complaint? Send in your comments about Chinese Medicine below.
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
St John’s Wort
It isn’t so surprising that a natural substance such as St John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) would be an effective medication as many of the drugs and medicines we see on the shelves today have a plant or flower base to them. Hundreds of tests and experiments have been carried out to determine what illnesses or conditions St John’s Wort is effective for treating. These have included depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, HIV, anxiety disorder, seasonal affective disorder and even dermatitis. Whilst many of first test results showed promising results for a good selection of these illnesses, there is not currently enough scientific evidence to suggest that St John’s Wort is an effective treatment for anything other than mild to moderate depression. However for this condition, St John’s Wort is a very powerful aid.
Time and time again scientific tests show St John’s Wort to be effective at tackling depression. It should be stated however that it is not very effective in cases of very severe or extreme depression, but for the millions of people who are affected by mild to moderate depression, it is an excellent medication. It allows people to be free from chemically produced drugs for which prescriptions are needed. Have any of you tried St John’s Wort and have you found it be effective? We would love to hear your comments or suggestions about this herbal remedy.
Thursday, 14 January 2010
New Year Resolutions
My first resolution is to give up fizzy drinks and caffeine altogether. That means no coffee or even tea. I will replace fizzy drinks with water or squash, and coffee and tea with herbal teas and fruit teas.
My second resolution is to find a sport that I really enjoy. It is important to get lots of exercise, but it is best if it doesn’t feel like a chore. That is why I am heading down to the local sports centre to see what classes are available.
Finally, I am going to develop my interest in aromatherapy. I have always practiced it and I have a good basic understanding, but I want to learn more and find out everything there is to know. I have found it to be an effective and powerful tool for combatting a variety of symptoms such as stress, anxiety or insomnia, but I know there is so much more to learn.
I am hoping that by keeping the list short and sweet, I am going to see success in my goals. Committing publicly to a a task is a good way of making sure it happens. Why don’t you write your resolutions below. You might just find them easier to stick to if you publicly declare them.