Anyway, organic food aside, it is still possible to eat very well even on a modest budget. Here are a few ideas on how you can feed your family the very best and ensure their health is of the very highest standard.
Cut down on expensive cuts of meat in favour of milk and eggs for protein. Milk and eggs are far cheaper and just as protein rich as any cut of meat and fish. There’s no need to enforce vegetarianism onto your family, just have fun searching for a couple of vegetarian recipes each week and increase the family’s consumption of milk and fresh eggs to retain high protein levels.
Only eat what is in season. It is so easy to load your trolley up at the supermarket with whatever fruits or veg are looking good that day, but if you only purchase those that are in season then you will save a packet. Ideally it is best to shop at farmers’ markets, as here you will automatically be buying only produce that is in season, what’s more you are contributing your community and helping the environment by eating locally sourced food.
Develop a taste for beans and pulses. These are probably the most inexpensive sources of nutrition available and they are packed with vitamins and protein. Any type of pulse or bean will load you up with vitamins, keep you feeling full for longer and reduce your monthly spend on food. Kids love them too!
Ditch the fizzy drinks. They are laden with sugar, cost a fortune when drunk in high quantities and do nothing to help your reach your daily nutritional needs. Instead you could try a supermarket’s own brand of fizzy water mixed with a splash of cordial or even fruit juice of some kind.
Invest in a high quality vitamin supplement. Just to make doubly sure than everyone is fit as a fiddle, it is a good idea to purchase a bumper pack of an all round vitamin supplement. Although there is a small price to pay up front, the long term health benefits far outweigh the cost.
There you have it, a few ideas to help keep those food bills down whilst eating very well. If anyone has any other ideas of information on how to save money whilst eating only the best, send in your comments below.