How many times have we heard that we have to have a healthy diet, but it really is true. What we ingest has a big effect on our health, well being and even mood. This week I thought it would be helpful to list the 10 things we should make sure we include in our diet, and what foods they are contained within to help improve our mood, fight depression and lift fatigue.
Zinc is vital to help our immune systems function and improve our metabolism and digestion. A zinc deficiency can lead to irritability and even loss of appetite. It can be found in wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, whole grain and high protein foods.
Vitamin B-3 (or niacin) needs to present in ample amounts in our bodies otherwise we are prone to depression, indigestion, irritability and even cold sores. Excessive drinking (of alcohol) can cause a deficiency. Natural sources of this vitamin are found in pork, chicken and oily fish like mackerel and salmon.
Omega-3 fatty acids are the hard hitters when it comes to fighting depression. Studies have shown they even help sufferers of more severe mental illness such as bi-polar disorder. Tuna, salmon, walnuts and canola oil are good sources of omega 3 fatty acids although it can also be taken via a supplement.
Water helps combat fatigue and improve mood. Furthermore it helps your skin and motor function. Drink at least 2 litres a day to really experience the benefits. Caffeine removes water from the body so drink even more water if you are a coffee drinker, or better yet, drink a herbal tea instead of the caffeine laden drink.
Vitamin E boosts our immune system and help fights infections as well as contributing to our overall health. Eat some nuts, seeds and plenty of fruit and vegetables each week to make sure you are getting enough.
Folic Acid levels need to stay high as studies in the past have linked low levels with depression. Sources of Folic Acid can be found in leafy green, beans, peanuts and orange juice.
Calcium helps combat stress as well as anxiety and low levels can result in poor sleep among other problems. Non dairy sources include broccoli and tofu otherwise it is milk, cheese and yoghurt.
Vitamin C is an excellent immune booster. Drink a glass of orange juice each day and include other citrus fruits in your diet like lemons and grapefruit.
Iron deficiency has very negative effects on our health. Low energy levels, fatigue and anemia can be caused. Good sources of iron include beans, beef, peas, nuts and spinach. Liver and beef are also sources however generally we should restrict how much red meat we eat.
Stocking up on these vital nutrients will ensure that you stay feeling well, sleeping better and remain in a positive and upbeat mood. Does anyone have any other tips on combatting depression, irritability and lifting our mood?