Valentines day has just been and gone and this year, and although it is quite a commercial day, it is still nice to acknowledge it I think with a small token or gift of some sort. My favourite presents for Valentine’s Day are undoubtedly bath accessories or some delicious smelling creams or lotions. Chocolates and flowers are also nice, but they lack the imagination I feel, plus the chocolate goes in a flash and the flowers don’t take long before they start to wilt and die.
Lotions and potions not only make you feel good but they last for a long time. I am finding too that in this cold weather I need larger daily amounts of moisturizer to stop my skin from drying out due to the harsh weather conditions we are all suffering from at the moment. My current moisturizers of choice are Laughing Bird Neroli Face Cream for my face and the

Laughing Bird Shea Body Cream which are both excellent creams for keeping your skin looking good. They also smell fantastic which is a bonus. I am suffering particularly from chapped lips at the moment I think caused by this dreadful weather so I’m using a lot of lip balm each day to keep them soft.
I would like to know what all your ideal valentines presents would be - maybe you received something extra special this year, or maybe your present was forgotten about! (This has happened to me a few times!) Send in your comments here and tell us what you did or did not receive this year and what you would have really like to have received!