A cup of peppermint tea drunk at the end of a meal will aid digestion, helping the meal you have just eaten make its way through your body with no difficulty at all.
A cup of Chamomile tea before bed will ensure you receive a good nights sleep and wake up feeling refreshed.
The tea for ridding yourself of nausea is ginger. It can be used to combat morning sickness and travel sickness. Drinking it in this way is more pleasurable than simply popping a capsule.
Immune System
The herb by the name of Echinacea is often mixed with fruit when being made into tea, and this combination provides an excellent boost to your immune system. If you feel a cold coming on invest in a packet to help you overcome it.
Ginkgo Biloba tea is a natural concentration aid, helping to focus the mind and improve even memory skills. Got an exam coming up or lots of work to do? Try Ginkgo for the week and see how you get on.
Skin Cleansing
To put the glow back into your skin, drink nettle, lemon balm or red clover tea.
Feeling anxious, worried or even slightly depressed? Lemon balm tea will help soothe away your stresses and strains and even help battle depression as it contains natural anti-depressant properties.
Constant headaches can be very tiresome. If you don’t want to always turn to paracetamol, you could give Rosemary tea a trial. It can taste quite bitter though and if the taste is not quite for you, try mixing in a teaspoon of honey.