It has been touted as a wonder cure from everything from weight loss to pain management, a way to boost self-confidence to removing a fear of flying! In today’s modern world there are a plethora of self-help resources available and if everything else has failed, why not give it a try? I think that all too often people shy away from hypnotherapy, especially self-hypnosis by labeling it as pure and simple ‘quackery.’ But, there is no mystical or spiritual power behind hypnosis. It is actually based on a very simple concept. By relaxing our bodies and minds to the point where we are more receptive and open to suggestions, we can then plant positive feelings and affirmations through repetition, guided imagery, visualization and suggestion. Simple, but extremely powerful.

Here at Baldwin’s we supply “Here to Listen” audio CDs produced by Sharon Shinwell. Let me tell you a little more about Sharon. Sharon is a qualified Counsellor and Hypno-Psychotherapist, holding a UK Diploma from the National College of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy. She has had a full career working with the Social Services Family Support Team, a Local Education authority, Victim Support and for General Practitioners. She has also received extensive training by the Samaritan Organization. Additionally, she is also a published writer, co-writing “Ride with Confidence.” The Group Therapy qualification that Sharon holds has enabled her to work with the NHS on their smoking cessation programs. Yet further still, she is trained in Hypno-Chemo Psychotherapy which provides support to terminally ill patients and their families.
Many hundreds of people have received help from Sharon who can help with work related issues, life coaching and casework supervision. So you can see, Sharon knows her stuff. Through her collection of CDs, you too can now benefit from her years of experience and training. We stock a large range of CDs such as controlling your anger, alcohol, weight, insomnia, improving confidence and overcoming flying and driving nerves. So whatever the area of your life that you could do with a little help in, our CDs (or I should say, Sharon’s CDs!) might be just the thing.
So, now you know the secret of hypnotherapy! A very powerful method indeed for making changes in your life, our range of CDs by Sharon Shinwell are among the very best available. It is an inexpensive way to harness your potential and push you in the direction you want to go. So why not give it a try, and don’t forget to tell us how you get on!