Friday, 19 September 2008

Hopi Ear Candles

I was asked just recently about Hopi ear candles and as they are such a wonderful natural remedy, I thought I would mention them today as so many of us could benefit from them from time to time. The other name for Hopi Ear Candling is Thermo Auricular Therapy, and it is a viable treatment for many conditions of the ear, nose and throat area. The way it works is really quite simple. The candles, once lit, cause convectional air flow towards the inner chamber of the ear. This causes a suction effect which serves to massage the eardrum and auditory canal. When the candle is placed in the ear it forms a seal with enables ear wax and other impurities to be drawn out. The interesting name Hopi I am told comes from the Hopi Indians from Arizona. They used the candles in their culture to clear negative energies from their head and their aura.

Here at Baldwin’s we stock of course the very best, and the very best in this case means the only EU standard candle available. With full instructions, a safety filter and a line to show when the candle must cease to be burned, they are safe and easy to use. They are made from linen, pure beeswax, honey extract and essential oil of St John’s wort.

Hopi candles can be used in the battle against sore throats, hay fever, headaches (even migraines) catarrh, asthma and sinusitis to name a few. They cannot treat serious lingering ear conditions but are definitely a natural and enjoyable way to massage the ears and enjoy a host of benefits as described above.

If anyone has any further information about Hopi ear candles then, please post here as we always enjoy hearing from our valued customers.

Friday, 12 September 2008

Travel Plans?

The rain never seems to end! This ‘summer’ has been a total wash out and like many of you I find myself dreaming of far off places, sunny climates and the feel of sun on my face. With that in mind, I thought that this week I would turn my focus to travel. At Baldwin’s we are often asked questions relating to health and well-being whilst traveling, and so I thought I’d share some wisdom with you here and try and answer some of our most frequently asked questions.

Jet-lag is a common problem for the long haulers out there. Business trips are the real killer for this, as there simply isn’t time to get over it slowly and workers need to be at their best the moment they step off the plane. I recommend Australian Bush Combination Drops to help overcome jet lag as it refreshes and restores balance thus having a really positive effect. They should be used throughout the flight to leave you feeling brighter and ready for the Boardroom.

Another common complaint from our customers is that air travel causes break outs. This is not what you want when you’re going on holiday! I can tell you now that break outs are common due to the stale air within the aeroplane cabin that is continually pumped round and round. Our Aubrey Organics Travel A Go-Go range is especially suitable for problem or blemish-prone complexions. Made from 100% natural ingredients, the kit contains a facial cleanser with calming witch hazel, a facial astringent with organic camomile and calendula flowers, a balancing moisturiser containing aloe vera and balm mint as well as a sea clay face mask to be used as an instant ‘pick me up’ for your skin. The small bottles ensure check-in security is a breeze too!

I am often asked for advice and suggestions of products that help with travel sickness. The most effective cure is ginger, interestingly. Women in China are known to use it to alleviate morning sickness during pregnancy. The simplest way to take ginger is via capsules. At Baldwin’s we have Bio-Health capsules that are made with a pure powdered form of the ginger root. They will help with sickness whether caused by flying, car travel or sailing.

I hope that these hints are helpful. Of course our staff at Baldwin’s are always on hand for advice and information. I will return to the idea of travel at a later date, but for now I have endeavored to answer the most frequently asked questions on this subject.

Thursday, 11 September 2008

Can Self-Hypnosis Help You?

The idea that one can hypnotize oneself as a means to change a certain type of behavior or achieve a certain goal has been gaining momentum in recent times. By sending positive affirmations to the subconscious brain, so the theory goes, we start to genuinely believe them and live more in accordance with them.

It has been touted as a wonder cure from everything from weight loss to pain management, a way to boost self-confidence to removing a fear of flying! In today’s modern world there are a plethora of self-help resources available and if everything else has failed, why not give it a try? I think that all too often people shy away from hypnotherapy, especially self-hypnosis by labeling it as pure and simple ‘quackery.’ But, there is no mystical or spiritual power behind hypnosis. It is actually based on a very simple concept. By relaxing our bodies and minds to the point where we are more receptive and open to suggestions, we can then plant positive feelings and affirmations through repetition, guided imagery, visualization and suggestion. Simple, but extremely powerful.

Here at Baldwin’s we supply “Here to Listen” audio CDs produced by Sharon Shinwell. Let me tell you a little more about Sharon. Sharon is a qualified Counsellor and Hypno-Psychotherapist, holding a UK Diploma from the National College of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy. She has had a full career working with the Social Services Family Support Team, a Local Education authority, Victim Support and for General Practitioners. She has also received extensive training by the Samaritan Organization. Additionally, she is also a published writer, co-writing “Ride with Confidence.” The Group Therapy qualification that Sharon holds has enabled her to work with the NHS on their smoking cessation programs. Yet further still, she is trained in Hypno-Chemo Psychotherapy which provides support to terminally ill patients and their families.

Many hundreds of people have received help from Sharon who can help with work related issues, life coaching and casework supervision. So you can see, Sharon knows her stuff. Through her collection of CDs, you too can now benefit from her years of experience and training. We stock a large range of CDs such as controlling your anger, alcohol, weight, insomnia, improving confidence and overcoming flying and driving nerves. So whatever the area of your life that you could do with a little help in, our CDs (or I should say, Sharon’s CDs!) might be just the thing.

So, now you know the secret of hypnotherapy! A very powerful method indeed for making changes in your life, our range of CDs by Sharon Shinwell are among the very best available. It is an inexpensive way to harness your potential and push you in the direction you want to go. So why not give it a try, and don’t forget to tell us how you get on!

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Dead Sea Salt Products

Studies over the years have shown that the minerals that are found in the dead sea are very beneficial for our bodies and skin. There have been links between the minerals and skin tissue healing, curing allergies and dermatological conditions as well as aiding relaxation and combatting internal toxins.

A pretty impressive list, it’s of little wonder that the minerals have been bottled and can be bought right here at Baldwin’s.

Since ancient times the healing properties of the Dead Sea have been known. Evidence of bath houses built on the banks where the ancient Romans and Jews went to utilize the water and mud have been discovered. It is thought that Cleopatra herself sought the power of the water to stem the tide of aging. Who are we to argue with thousands of years of wisdom and practice?

At Baldwin’s we supply a range of Spa Magik products including Dead Sea Bath Salts, Mild Exfoliant and a Dead Sea Rich Moisturizer. In the absence of being able to pop over to the Syrian-African Rift Valley found within the Jordan Valley, this is definitely the next best thing. It is especially good for those with skin allergies. The effects of psoriasis, eczema and various rashes have all been known to be alleviated after coming in contact with Dead Sea minerals. immersed in the water at the Dead Sea. There is also evidence of general improved outer skin appearance and increased elasticity. Maybe Cleopatra had a point.

The minerals of the Dead Sea have also been credited with helping to heal wounds, eradicating dandruff and dermatitis, reducing arthritic, bone and joint pain and even combatting fatigue and insomnia. It is also thought that the minerals can help blood circulation, metabolism and encourage a more relaxed nervous system. Indeed, many tout the the positive effects that can be harnessed from contact with the minerals of the Dead Sea as ‘magical.’

Our range at Baldwin’s is extremely reasonably priced, so why not dip your toe into the Dead Sea and see what happens? Why not transform your bath into a saline lake for the evening with Dead Sea bath salts, and immerse yourself in its waters. We’d love to hear if you experience any ‘magical’ effects. We encourage all our customers to share their stories here so that everyone can enjoy them and learn from them.