Thursday 20 May 2010

Australian Bush Combination Drops

Australian Bush Remedies
The Australian Bush Combination drops are flower essences designed to replace panic, anxiety and fear within ourselves with the ability to cope. Similar to Bach’s Rescue Remedy in this way, the Australian Bush Combination Drops are designed to bring forth good qualities and emotions within ourselves whilst simultaneously expelling the negative ones.

Flower essences have been used as a natural remedy for thousands of years. They work on the mind, body and spirit and are obtained by extracting the healing quality of the most evolved part of a plant - its flower. They work purely on an emotional level to treat imbalances in the body in order to achieve optimum health.

Many great healers and thinkers of the past believed that only by achieving spiritual, emotional and mental harmony could a patient’s illnesses and diseases be cured. The Bush Essences are a complete range of products designed to provide sensitivity, strength and courage to the individual in order to help them listen and follow their natural intuition as well as pursue their goals and dreams.

The Bush Essences take each negative emotion and replace it with a good one. Hate gets replaced with love, fear replaced with courage, insecurities with self-confidence - the list goes on and on! The Australian Bush Combination Drops are now available in a handy spray bottle that is small enough to be carried in a handbag. It is ideal for helping to deal with emotional upset and has a calming effect in a crisis.

Have any of you tried using any of the Australian Bush Essences? We want to hear from you whether the results were positive or negative, so don’t hesitate to send in your comments below.