Monday 5 April 2010

James Wong Returns to the BBC

James Wong: Grow Your Own Drugs
Here at Baldwins we are thrilled to see James Wong back on our screens on the BBC with his second series of “Grow Your Own Drugs”. Because James Wong was a customer at Baldwins long before his TV programme was commissioned, he chose us as his main supplier for many of the ingredients used during his first series, and again during the current series that is now showing on BBC2.

We of course were delighted to oblige and were even more pleased to receive a recommendation by James in his first book that accompanied the original series back in 2009. James even came into our shop for a book signing! The staff here at Baldwins have once again enjoyed working closely with the production crew and are tuning in every week to see James in action with many of our products.

For those who are not familiar with either James Wong or the series, it is about how common plants, herbs and other natural ingredients often which are sitting in your kitchen cupboard already, can be used to create a number of natural drugs (or alternatives to drugs). The programme is inspiring and interesting and evidently a huge hit with viewers everywhere. No doubt we will see plenty more of James Wong on our screens over the next few years.

If you would like to know more about either James Wong or his recipes and ingredients, you can drop us a line here at Baldwins and talk to a member of staff. Have any of you tried the recipes of James Wong? Do you enjoy watching his show and find it as inspiring as we do? Send in your comments below.