Friday 21 August 2009

Help in the battle against hayfever

Hayfever affects millions of Britons every year with around one in 10 adults being affected. It is caused by an allergy to either tree pollen or grass pollen and is therefore more prevalent in the summer months when pollen counts are higher than in winter.

There are a few precautions you can take to help fight against the itchy eyes and continuos sneezing that hayfever causes which I shall outline below. If I have missed any out or you have a home made remedy that helps, please send them to me!

  • Rub vaseline inside each nostril.
    This will help reduce soreness and to capture pollen before it heads into your nasal passages.
  • Wear wrap around sunglasses.
    Wrap around glasses reduce pollens affecting the eyes, so wear them any time you are outside.
  • Close windows.
    Never sleep with the bedroom window open, now matter how hot it gets! Also keep the car windows closed when you are driving.
  • Don’t change your clothes in the bedroom.
    Taking your clothes off before entering the bedroom will ensure that allergens cannot be transfered to where you sleep.
  • Wash hair before bed.
    Pollen sticks to your hair and will be transfered to your pillow at night, so remove as much as possible with a hair wash before bed.
  • Hang your washing out mid-morning.
    Furthermore, bring it in no later than early evening to avoid bringing into your home more pollen than is necessary.
These are a few top tips for helping combat the nuisance that is hayfever. Of course there are also a variety of anti-histamines that you can take to help too, but if you want to try natural remedies before reaching for the pills and capsules, the ideas above are a good place to start.