Tuesday 14 April 2009

Everyday Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a very effective component of natural and complimentary medicine, with different scents and smells effectively able to alter our moods and help us in a many other ways. Did you know for example that the scent of a rose can prevent headaches and calm us in times of shock and grief?

The great thing about aromatherapy is that you don’t need special equipment to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy. Adding a few drops of essential oils to a pan of boiling water on the stove or perhaps a few drops just added to your bath are all you need to do to reap the benefits. You don’t need burners or candles at all if you don’t want to, although oil burners are attractive items that can look nice in your house and are extremely popular.

You can experience aromatherapy in regular everyday situations. Often aromatherapy is associated with long and luxurious spa sessions, but this is not in fact the case at all! How about hanging an aromatherapy “air freshener” in your car? Sitting in heavy traffic or experiencing a long journey can really take it out of you, but having something that smells nice in your car can really help keep you calm or keep you awake depending on what essential oil you choose of course.

Washing up can also be an excellent place for some gentle aromatherapy. Just add a few drops of your favourite oil to the water and you get to experience all the benefits of the smells whilst simply washing the dishes!

These are just a few ideas of how aromatherapy can be easily interwoven into our everyday and very busy lives. Have any of you any other suggestions of how to administer aromatherapy in a simple and effective way? As always, send in your comments below.