Thursday 26 March 2009

Vitamin Supplements

Research is constantly being carried out on vitamin supplements and offering new insights into the positive effects and advantages of taking them. Even aside from the obvious long term benefits or our bodies receiving adequate vitamins, there are a number of conditions that vitamin supplements can help. Below are a few ways taking vitamins can help us in our everyday lives.

Folic Acid and Vitamin B can ease migraines and headaches.

Research carried out at an Australian university has shown that an increased intake of these vitamins can quell migraine attack on both frequency and severity.

Vitamin D prevents bone fractures

A daily dose of Vitamin D can drastically reduce the chances of bone fractures and breaks in people over 65. A review published in the Archives of Internal Medicine shows that fractures (not involving the spine) are up to 20% less likely if Vitamin D is taken daily.

Vitamin C helps prevent Gout

Gout is a very painful arthritic condition, and the number of cases is increasing. Those with very heavy, rich diets full of red meat are more likely to develop the condition. Research carried out at the University of British Columbia has shown that men who have a higher intake of vitamin C are less likely to develop gout than men who consume very little.

So there are a few ways in which taking vitamin supplements can greatly help us in our daily lives. We have a large selection available on offer at Baldwin’s including our brand new range which we are proud to now have on sale. If you would like further information about our vitamin supplements, please feel free to contact us.

Are there any conditions that you take herbal or vitamin supplements to help with, and what effects do they have? Send in all your comments!